“So what do you actually do?”

Job titles are confusing. And job specs are even more confusing.

If you Google “day in the life of a [insert job title]” you’ll find yourself faced with an endless list of cliches rather than a genuine reflection of what that job role actually entails.

And studies have shown that young people are often put off applying for job roles because they don’t understand what they are, and they question whether they have the skills required to do them. Especially if you’re from an underrepresented background and lack the network connections for someone to give you a push into applying. And this leads to an endless cycle of privilege across industries and a lack of diversity and representation in most industries.

So that’s why Day of Wrk was created. To show what people actually do for their jobs through authentic day-in-the-life stories, all housed in one place which will hopefully give young people a more detailed understanding of what a job actually entails, and have the confidence to apply.

Day of Wrk also serves as a platform to champion ethnic minorities, with every contributor on the website being from an ethnic minority background.